its been more then a month since i left college and my life in kuala lumpur... life goes so slow here.. emotions rises contantly at great speed more then you can handle. the rainy days never seems to go away since the first day i've been here and the last few days has been the worse.

i miss my lover so much.. i know that my lover is happy and enjoying the busy life there. no matter how hectic and tiring it is there, at the end of the day its just pure satisfaction to get the energy pumping and the adrenaline rush from time to time. i miss my friends and all the excitement that KL has to offfer. things are never ending there. so much and so hard for me to admit it, i'm getting bored and starts to hate my own home. its not my home town... its just a place where we have to move to.
no one seems to understand how i feel and where i stand right now. my parents thinks that i'm lazy and doesn't do anything at home. and should be glad that i have a lot of time to rest. i wanna work, but my dad doest allow me too. my mum offer me a place at the hospital day care. but i hate doing paper work. it just doesn't get the energy pumping and the level of excitement just stays low all the time.
today i had the longest drive of my life. it was just a short distance, my daily route since i got here. songs of lost love and mix of death emotion plays over and over again at the radio.
i feel that my present here is being used and manipulate with. call and message me only when you want something. then once you're happy, PUFF!! gone! next wish please!! my trust is being tested and liars seems to play along beside me, still im covering one eye and hope that its just something that would change when i open both of my eyes.
i'm leaving malaysia soon. i'm happy that i did.
signing out.. peace.
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