Its was only after i moved to this new place that this particular thing finnaly made "contact" to me. all this time, thing was taken for granted and never cross my head to even think about it for a second ot two.
It was a naval military base. nothing interesting about it at first. but everytime i passed by, i feel so attracted to it. well, it was in 2006 that it finally come to sense what this all about. i was volunteer of a society that cares for children with certain genetic disorder, goin for a visit at the U.S navy SWIFT SHV-2.
Here i meet him.. a guy that i will call and take as my brother. a friend that would always there to support me when times a going down on me. along with him, i slowly come to understand the way of a military life. all the pain and hardship that they went through just to keep our country safe and peaceful. when he went out for patrol to the open sea, i know that he and all the other navy's is putting their life at stake. yet, they never complain and day by day, they still going on never trying to stop from performing this duty as a protector, a fighter for our country.
Today, he stands on a big ship on the shore of sabah. i'm proud of him and all our soldiers.. he always said to me, "kalau nak ingat abang, ingat lagu I am Sailing- Rod Stewart. itulah abang". until today, that song plays in my head every single day. reminding me of him everytime.
P.S i miss you so much. hope to see you soon.
If i get know u....