last night i finally cooked my first chicken rice and nasi lemak. to make it more exciting its here in russia that all my hidden talent in cooking are truly expressed.. hahaha.. however there's some people just cant be happy for what you could achieved. tho then heavy foods like nasi lemak, chicken rice or spaggetti can only be enjoyed once a year or only when you out with your family or friends for dinner. who cares about them anywhere.. contempt in their narrow mind and small cubicle space..
i finish cooking around 1.00am.. then along with my buddy, we went out to have a beer and cigarette.. it was some silence moment for us.. type of silence where you could just be free from all the tension and heartfelt. we talk about stuff and how life is for us... 3am.. cold... we went back to our rooms and sleep...
my dream was empty, all i can see was a dark space.. i try to fill it with colours and living things, but what colour? what living things? i woke up with nothing to remember.. just reminder to myself that my life now is nothing but equal to the dark space in my dream..
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